How to Help?

If you like this project and would like to see it grow to support more devices or add new features, consider helping out.

Become a Tester

If you have a legacy Line6 device that is not currently supported, consider reaching out, opening an issue at the issues page and becoming a tester for the project.

Initially, this involves connecting the device to your computer (Linux, MacOS, Windows -- any platform would do), sending some MIDI messages and collecting replies. The MIDI communication is pretty similar across different POD devices, but there is usually something to figure out, like the program data layout in the sysex messages or other device peculiarities.

Once that is done, we'll make a beta version of the software that you can test with your device. After a round of bug fixes, a new stable version can be released.

Lend Me Your Device

If you don't have the time to be a tester, consider the possibility of sending me your device. It is usually faster if I have access to the device myself and can test things locally.

Please let me know if it is possible for you to send your device to Finland for testing, I will return the device once the software is working.

If you have a legacy device that you would like to donate for the benefit of this project, but don't care to get it back, once it is supported by pod-ui, please reach out. I gladly accept device donations for the benefit of the project.

Monetary Donations

Currently I do not accept monetary donations. There are bureaucratic details to figure out before I can do this...