

pod-ui is a modern cross-platform app to control Line6 POD family of guitar modelling amps via MIDI. Currently, it supports the original POD, POD 2.0, POD Pro, PocketPOD and a family of PODxt (PODxt, PODxt Pro, PODxt Live) and Bass PODxt (Bass PODxt, Bass PODxt Pro, Bass PODxt Live) devices. For pre-built binaries check out the releases page.

The app is a work-in-progress and many features may still be missing, however it intended to get feature parity with Line6 Edit. Some of the things already supported:

  • ☑ controlling the POD;
    • ☑ up-/downloading individual patches;
    • ☑ up-/downloading patch libraries;
  • ☑ support for POD device*;
  • ☑ support for POD 2.0/POD Pro devices;
  • ☑ support for Pocket POD device;
  • ☑ support for PODxt/PODxt Pro/PODxt Live devices;
  • ☑ support for Bass PODxt/Bass PODxt Pro/Bass PODxt Live devices;
  • ☑ working over plain USB without Line6 drivers ★new in version 1.5.0★;

Things that are work-in-progress:

  • ☐ loading .l6t and .lib files;
  • ☐ support for Bass POD device;
  • ☐ support for Floor POD Plus device;
  • ☐ support for other compatible Line6 devices;

To add support other MIDI-based legacy Line6 products, such as Bass POD, Floor POD, etc., I would need volunteers for testing as it is difficult to do that without having any of this hardware. If you would like to volunteer for testing, please open an issue at the issues page.


This is a GTK+-based app written in rust and distributed under GPLv3 license. The sources can be found from github. Please feel free to open issues there in case of bugs or inconsistencies with Line6 Edit.

The app is developed using MIDI controls references and SysEx protocol descriptions published by Line6 and my own POD devices.

The app is developed in Linux, pre-build binaries are provided for Windows and macOS.